Germany GB

Märkische Faser GmbH − a reliable partner

Total quality management − responsibility for the protection of the environment :

We are confident that our vision will be achieved by partnership and intelligent co-operation with the textile industry. Consequently we are paying particular attention to Research and Development. Our success is based on closely co-operating with the final customers in the textile industry and competently supporting them in applying the technologies. Creating new products and effectively and promptly introducing them in the market count among the main competences of our team. As supplier of high quality polyester products it is our goal to strengthen the European textile industry. We have also committed ourselves to the protection of the environment. Major investments have been made in order to avoid risks of environmental pollution and harm to humans and their natural surroundings. The production process for our polyester technologies corresponds to the licensing requirements and orders of the German federal and European law.
The Märkische Faser is certified according to Eco-Tex Standard 100 which confirms that our fibers correspond to all ecological standards including all products and appliances for babies.
Protection of the environment :

The Märkische Faser considers safety and protection of man and environment as a concern of elementary importance. Raw materials and auxiliaries for the production of polyester as well as the process technologies correspond to the licensing requirements and orders of German federal and European environmental protection laws. Environmentally harmful emissions are kept as low as any possible by applying closed production cycles and advanced process engineering to a large extent. Our core product range is certified according to Eco-Tex Standard 100. Thus it is guaranteed that our products do not contain or release any hazardous or harmful substances when further processed and applied. As we are a middle-sized company located in an industrial area which is still developing, our demand for energy is largely covered by a near-by power plant which applies combined heat and power generation. The effluents from our plant are filtered and cleaned in an up-to-date biologically operating waste-water treatment facility.

Ökotex – um das aktuelle Ökotex Standard 100 Zertifikat zu erhalten, wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an die Märkische Faser

Klicken Sie auf die Zertifikate für eine Vergrößerung:
ISO50001-2011e ISO9001-2008e

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